Monday, October 25, 2010

The rest of the season in NM

Wow, the time has flown by. The season is almost done and I realized I haven't posted for a while. Here is some of what I've found around.

New Mexico Whiptail

Eastern Collared Lizard

Speckled Earless Lizard

We took a trip down south to look for subocs and decided to pop into the Gila. We found no live snakes, but did find some other herps:

Red-spotted Toad

Canyon Treefrog tadpoles

Fence Lizard

Gila Spotted Whiptail

Ornate Tree Lizard

Green Toad - possibly a county record, there are none reported in Sierra County in Deghenhardt's book.

DOR herps included:
Trans-pecos Ratsnake
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Desert Box Turtle
Blacktail Rattlesnake
Sonoran Gopher Snake
Big Bend Patchnose Snake
Plains Leopard Frog
Couch's Spadefoot

We have seen some other herps as well:

Spadefoot tadpoles

Tim came down from Colorado on his way to Arizona, so Bill, Regina, Nikki and I met up with him to do some roadcruising. The first herp of the trip was this:

Western Diamandback Rattlesnake

This would be a precursor of things to come for the night, I think we got our dirty dozen [i]atrox[/i]. Here are some other finds from the night:

American Bullfrog


This one was very calm, then:

Up he went! - This was the highest posturing I've seen!

Here he is after we moved him off the road. We were walking back to the car and heard some rattling from the other side of the road. It belonged to this beautiful creature:

Prairie Rattlesnake - love the pattern on this one! This was the most pissed off [i]viridis[/i] I have ever encountered, it left my snake hook full of venom!

Night Snake

I'll spare you the several pictures of [i]atrox[/i], we saw several!

The rest of these pictures are some critters we have found road cruising and checking traps on the reservation:

Prairie Rattlesnake


Painted Desert Glossy Snake

Side-blotched lizard

Chihuahuan Spotted Whiptail

Roundtail Horned Lizard

Speckled Earless Lizard

Great Plains Toad

Fence Lizard

Plains Spadefoot

Eastern Collared Lizard

Spiny Softshell Turtles

Painted Desert Glossy Snake

Longnose Snake

Sonoran Gopher Snake

Me with another


Western Coachwhip

Roundtail Short-horned Lizard - my wife has an eagle eye for these!

Side-blotched Lizard - we named her "Kinky" we have caught her in the traps at least 3 times!

Regal Ringneck

We had a Saturday off so we decided to go to the Magdalenas for the afternoon to look for crotes mainly, but I also wanted to see some crevice spiny lizards again this year. Here is what we found:

Mountain Patchnose

Here it is closer


Crevice Spiny Lizard

Well, that's about it for the year. There still is the possibility of late season den activity, but we will see what the weather does! Thanks for looking!


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