Couch's Spadefoot
juvie Woodhouse Toad
another couch's
We could hear a chorus of spadefoots and tried to locate them. It was not hard, but it ended up being on private property. We drove a little further and found another and found a road that went right next to it. We found this going on:
Bill decided to get a closer look:
So did I:
We could hear another species in the midst of the sheep-calling. Bill located it:
New Mexico Spadefoot
showing off his spades
We thought we heard yet another species and started to look for it, we never did but we did spot these, can you see them:
Here they are closer:
We continued our search and found no other ponds but there were several out on the roads. Here is what we looked like afterwards:
We moved on to see if we could locate some snakes. We found a DOR gopher snake, a DOR prairie rattlesnake and this little gem:
Desert Kingsnake (lifer!)
I just added this video to youtube of a New Mexico Spadefoot calling with the chorus of Couch's Spadefoots in the background.
Thanks for looking!
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