The Rio Grande zoo in Albuquerque has a new reptile curator and he has added a lot of new animals to the reptile house and they had an event dedicated to herps on Saturday November 13th. We went and had a great time!
Here is a link to the species list.Six months ago all we had as far as venomous goes was a few of the locals and an Armenian Viper. Doug Hotie has taken this reptile collection to a world class reptile zoo.
We arrived and were greeted by the Komodo Dragon exhibit as usual and meandered over to the next area and found staff walking around:

and some of the other exhibits:

Snouted Cobra


Temple Viper

Quince Monitor

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
We got this far and then noticed a sign for a keeper talk and it was August's friend doing the talk. Nobody showed up for it except us, so he asked if we wanted to see the back area. That was a no brainer! First we went to the quarantine room and saw these:

Crocodile Skink

Temple Viper

This little guy puffed at us!

Banded Rock Rattlesnake

Desert Tortoise

Lancehead Rattlesnake
Among many others! Then he took us around to the back end of the dragon cage:

We then went to the back of one of the exhibit areas:

Red-footed Tortoise
They had three cages with King Cobras in them but they were all out of view :? The guy giving the tour then said, let me get one out for you. We backed up and he got one of them out:

We then went to Saltwater Croc building and were able to hold a baby alligator!

Nancy with it

Me showing off its belly

Iwalani holding - she was pretty scared!

Nikki with it

Chris likes to make faces

Jeremy holding it
And then the main attraction in the building:


And then on to the alligators:

American Alligators
On our way out we noticed this in a tree near the exit:

Miller's Chameleon

I got a video of it eating:We ended our tour there and went on to the rest of the reptile house:

Puff Adder

Florida Cottonmouth

Black Forest Cobras


Rhinoceros Viper

Banded Water Cobra

Red Spitting Cobra

Black Mambas

Storr's Monitor
Then my battery died! That was pretty much all that was new, but what a great improvement! It was a great experience! I will leave you with a picture of a silly gorilla:
